
Showing posts from 2017
UNIT 3:DIGITAL MOVING IMAGE MEDIA  Warner bros have completed the production of new school based supernatural horror film. As part of the marketing company Angels Media you have been asked to create a 30-45 second trailer for the film. The trailer will be released 6 months prior to the film being released as part of an online viral marketing campaign. what it the purpose/ aim of the product? who are the target audience demographic for the produce? what format is the product and what platform will it be released / distributed on

health and safety

Health and safety risk assessment We asked a few friends what heath and safety problems would happen. Then asked of which one of these risks will be most likely to happen while videoing and why. Theses are the results we got. NAMES PRINCESS KEEGAN PRICILLA AISSET Hot glue guns 78% 67% 50% 94% Hammers 29% 13% 12% 36% Sharp objects 98% 72% 61% 94% Wires and cables 21% 33% 29% 30% From this table I can see that the public think that we will be mainly effected by sharp objects such as nails, knives ect. This I clearly shown as it was given higher then 50% However they said that wires and cables will not effect us as much as it was given no higher then 35% By kiarah Laurence
production portofolio on your blog storyboards  shot lists  lighting techniques you are going to use and why? cinematography you are going to use and why  props and location decisions and explanation  costume , make-up and hair decisions and explain  health and safety risk assessment  budget details
PRODUCING A SHOT LIST medium shot -This is a really good angle for an intro as it will grab the attention on the background advertising so they get a vibe of the colours or decor around the room XL close up- this will be better for grabbing attention of the viewers because we could using dangerous tools that involve 100% focus.we did want to have a birds eye view so viewers could understand our ever-move rather then us explaining, we soon came to conclusion that our subscribers safety is most important. side close up-this will be for showing the final result so that every good or bad aspect of the product.A long shot- this will be used to see what the design looks like in a room or where it belongs showing how well we did. pan shot- this shot will be ideal for showing off large objects instead of cutting the video. this will give the audience a rough idea of how large or thick the product is 

unit 3

spartans pitch powerpoint