
Showing posts from May, 2018


research methods  a few research methods I have used are primary and secondary research methods. primary research is research I have found by myself e.g. focus group secondary research is research that I have got that has already been found e.g. google  on my blog I hav

unit 3

budget details  our 


budget details  spartans took into deep consideration what will be 100% necessary and  is esntial  to make our YouTube channel as professional as possible. we made a list of technology that we need and we finalised it with a budget of £2800. this money will be fundraised and friends and family generously offered to help out.£1000 is out target aim for out fundraising events, this. will consist of selling food at school and out. the rest (£600) will be from our own pockets as i said with the help if friends and family.   list  Nikon D3300 Digital SLR Camera  with18-55mm Lens-£319.00



beginning past history of a school a ancient nun apparently died in a fire many many years ago 21 century children of a spooky catholic girls school merici toilets tap starts bulging with blood characters are frightened as lights are turned on and off chappel starirs shot- dead bodies get carried down stairs alina

unit 3