5 communication ideas.
  1. I want to use a mind map from the visual category because it could be a good source to show how much work and time I have pit into my advert/YouTube channel. This could show I am serious.
  2. Sketching would be a handy tool because it is more eye-popping towards the viewers as they might get the bigger image I am painting.
  3. SWOT analysis could be very useful as it will already show pros and cons to my groups idea, this will be easier and faster to spot.
  4. Meetings could be a great source of getting live ideas and adapt ones so that any questions could be answered straight away.
  5.    focus groups would benefit my advert outcome as the target audience could have a preview with a positive or negative feed back within seconds. summary of ideas could lead to quick feed back of my own opinion to my groups product before it would reach the public. this could save a lot of bad advantages or hate  
  6. by kiarah Laurence manager of Spartan
