Clarity of voice and expression: how clearly are you expressing yourself? Did you speak formally and with confidently? WWW - I spoke very confidently and was not shy. I feel like during my performance i gave eye contact throughout pulling the audiences attention. This was good because it for the audience they could be more engaged in what i was saying, decreasing the tension in the room. EBI -i think because i am such a confident link in my group I defiantly should have helped other in my group raising the standards of Spartans performance as a whole. Use of technical language: are you using key media terms? WWW- Spartans did not fail to use correct English. This was key to us as we thought about our scrip beforehand avoiding this issue. EBI- though we used good English it would of been better if we did imply some of our media key words to out presentation showing we professional side to our product. Body language- are the making eye contact and facing the audien...
Showing posts from December, 2016