
Showing posts from 2016
Clarity of voice and expression: how clearly are you expressing yourself? Did you speak formally and with confidently? WWW - I spoke very confidently and was not shy. I feel like during my performance i gave eye contact throughout pulling the audiences attention. This was good because it for the audience they could be more engaged in what i was saying, decreasing the tension in the room. EBI -i think because i am such a confident link in my group I defiantly should have helped other in my group raising the standards of Spartans performance as a whole. Use of technical language: are you using key media terms? WWW- Spartans did not fail to use correct English. This was key to us as we thought about our scrip beforehand avoiding this issue. EBI- though we used good English it would of been better if we did imply some of our media key words to out presentation showing we professional side to our product. Body language- are the making eye contact and facing the audien...


youtube guideline   spartan takes all of these rules into consideration and will follow all of them as we highly respect our viewers and youtube.  by Kiarah Laurence 
feed back from out ideas from six formers  date: 8th November 2016 today Spartan ad a whole grope participated in asking 6 six formers a few question. This took approximately 15 minutes. we introduced what our task is and how we store notes, they where very interested in our blogs. we obviously had to ask for feed back and this is some of it we received one of the six formers went into detail about how we should advertise our YouTube channel via social media , the main social media that popped up constantly was "Instagram".  This particular app is very trendy to all ages and both genders. promotion is very popular and a great way of to get anything around quick. another piece of advice we got was that we should DIY objects that are more appealing to 15-19 year olds. one great suggestion we got was ripped jeans. this got brought up because one of me members showed an example of a DIY and they quotes "i would not do that " ...
5 communication ideas. I want to use a mind map from the visual category because it could be a good source to show how much work and time I have pit into my advert/YouTube channel. This could show I am serious. S ketching would be a handy tool because it is more eye-popping towards the viewers as they might get the bigger image I am painting. SWOT analysis could be very useful as it will already show pros and cons to my groups idea, this will be easier and faster to spot. Meetings could be a great source of getting live ideas and adapt ones so that any questions could be answered straight away.    focus groups would benefit my advert outcome as the target audience could have a preview with a positive or negative feed back within seconds. summary of ideas could lead to quick feed back of my own opinion to my groups product before it would reach the public. this could save a lot of bad advantages or hate    by kiarah Laurence manager of Spa...
My questionnaire answers I asked 4 nineteen year olds 3questions and these are the answers I lucky received question 1- do you think DIY is popular to your age group Sam answered - no not at all it is very time consuming I  have not time to be crafting stuff while managing my education Eddie answered- yes very much it is very smart and easy to follow along , I love it! Kelly answered - it has no interest to me but my friends do recommend it to me often Raymond answered- very few DIY YouTubers are male Chloe answered- i am not interested in DIY only makeup question 2- how do you think our ideas could be improved (each handed a printed picture of ideas) Eddie answered- explain each point more and make more detailed Kelly answered- probably finalise it down to two main ideas Raymond answered- i think it makes perfect sense Chloe answered - it doesn't look very professional to me , have it typed up on a word...
presenting to a focus group your name and your year group name of group  group roles brief description of your ideas   the decision about the genre of channel and why you chose it  the description and aim of your channel how you think it could appeal to your audience  how is similar of different to current channel in the genre  thank you for your time kiarah Laurence
Our ideas   In the beginning we thought the perfect idea would be lifestyle. this could consist of life hacks , bedroom hauls , pranks , skits and many many more. But once looking further into it we realised that there was no pin point idea as it was to broad. That gave us a major set back as we where fairly behind , so we came down to an agreement of DIY. we did research on youtube watching channels such as - guava  juice - hello maphie - socraftastic we saw that there was many topics in diy so we are going to aim at fashion my main inspiration came from a very popular YouTube that goes by the name of Mylifeaseva , one main video really stood out video to me by kiarah Laurence 
Spartan’s S.W.O.T Strengths : we have 4 very strong team members who are all dedicated to their individual roles (role will be listed on my blog under team meeting) our list of strengths can go on and on but I have shortened it down. One of our main strengths that are quite obvious are it is not a struggle to pick who is doing what when it comes to completing tasks. These tasks can be anything such as written work, mood boards, drawing or even as simple as seeing if our blogs are up to date Weaknesses: our weaknesses do level to a few things but we do not hesitate to put effort in to change it as soon as possible. One of our biggest issues are who puts in the most effort into getting us to meet our goal but we do not academic eyes Opportunities: we have many opportunities as all of our members all have special hidden talents. We have come to conclusion that we all take interests into different YouTube genres. We do not in fact see this as a negative point we are all go...

brain storm of our ideas

East London Media are a digital media company that produce YouTube channels.The company would like you to created an advert for one of its new channel  working as part of a production team you are required to produce a 30 second advert for 15-19 year old. your production can be for a channel in a genre as long as it is relent and engaging to the target audience and uses the proper codes and conventions. kiarah laurence alina samuels connie mCkenzie  virg