location setting

Location we will be filming in :                                      Explanation 

St Angela's School Chapel:   At this location the blonde haired victim meets the demon who in                                                   our case is the Nun who burnt in the school fire which happened in 1840.

Merici Girls Toilet:        Other student went to the toilet to go wash their  hands and they become                                              covered in blood.They panic and become are very confused.Light starts to                                            flicker .Looking into the mirror which is hung above the sink they see                                                    shadow in the cubical behind them.However when they turn around the                                                shadow is no longer there and the lights come back on .

Spiral Stairs  :               These stairs take you from outside straight to the chapel .The blonde                                                     character from the chapel is dragged down chapel stairs.

Merici Basement :       The blonde girl is found in the schools basement .Her body was discovered by                                      the schools caretaker.
Since the fire happened at around 4:00 pm . This is the time the nun comes out to haunt. The reason behind her haunting students is that luckily that day school was closed so no pupil was harmed but she was.Since no one apart from other nuns who lived there were in the building on that evening they did not notice a missing person. The nun became even more angry when the Chapel was redesigned after the fire occured. This is why anyone who comes to the Chapel at 4:00 pm do not leave alive .
